What is Hellerwork?

Hellerwork is a method of structural integration bodywork, combined with movement
re-education, and dialogue to improve alignment of the body, mind, & soul.

For additional information visit: www.hellerworkinternational.com


Initial appointments begin with your input and medical history, followed by a postural assessment including sitting, standing and walking movement.


With structural bodywork and massage of the fascial tissues we will work to create the most well aligned and functional system for you.


In continuing sessions we will discuss physical and emotional stresses, both the past and present, that may leave structural imprints in the body.


I will guide you through movement re-education to decrease pain and assist in activities of daily living, athletics, general posture and alignment.


I combine 21 years of hands on experience as a licensed massage practitioner with both personal experiences and continuing education to work with clients to create a better balance within their lives physically, mentally and emotionally.

Dawn McCormick

Licensed Massage Therapist

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education emphasis on Athletic Training: University of Oregon 1988
Associates Degree as a Physical Therapist Assistant: Green River CC 1994
Certified Hellerwork Practitioner: Institute of Structural Medicine 2001
License Massage Therapist 2001 (#MA00016032)

Dana M.

Dana M.

Nurse/ Ultra Runner

"Dawn helped me to unravel some deeply held patterns that affected my form as I increased my mileage. Combining a focus on movement with the bodywork made all the difference for me."

Marty P.

Marty P.

Conservationalist/ Hiker

"Dawn has kept me moving and pain free for over ten years now. Because she's so knowledgeable I trust her to do the right thing for me no matter what I've managed to do to my body."

Ann R.

Ann R.

Retired Adventurer

"After my first knee replacement, Dawn helped me return to a normal gait. Most recently we are focusing on a pinched nerve in my lower back. Put simply, Dawn is a miracle worker. I can’t imagine where I would be without her healing touch.."

Get in Touch

Sessions by appointment

1920 State Avenue NE,
Olympia, WA 98506

Phone: 360-561-9753

Email: dawn@soundhellerwork.com